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    We’re excited to make your new kitchen.
    Tell us a little about it.

    What’s your kitchen?A New ConstructionA Renovation

    Do you have a tentative budget in mind?
    This will help our designers plan better.
    2-4 Lakhs4-6 Lakhs6+ Lakhs


    Savethe Date!

    We’re excited to make your new kitchen.
    Tell us a little about it.

    By when are you wanting to have your kitchen ready?

    When would be a good time to have a chat?Before 10am10am - 2pm2pm - 5pm5pm - 8pm

    Champagne Muse Abstract Part
    Champagne Muse Kitchen Layout Background
    Champagne Muse Kitchen Background Part
    Champagne Muse | Kitchen Collection - IFB Modular Kitchen

    Champagne muse

    Fiercely beautiful,
    she glides across the room.
    A presence so magnetic,
    she cannot go unnoticed.

    DuramaxChampagne | Forest Musk

    In this kitchen, the exquisite Champagne and the textured
    Forest Musk are styled with the Milano countertop and
    the Nero handle to create a vision of sophisticated luxury.

    Peninsula Kitchen Layout - IFB Modular Kitchen

    This peninsula kitchen
    with tall unit at just

    25,000x 18 months

    Complete kitchen Price*


    To know what’s included
    in the price Click hereMeasurements are indicative

    Jaguar Background Icon
    Info Icon to expand details about the collection
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    The complete kitchen price includes cabinets, shutters, countertops, skirting, hinges, plinths, legs, drawers, knobs/handles. Your choice of lighting, accessories, sinks, taps and appliances are sold separately.